(Note: This review is old and likely doesn't match my current opinion. Will likely rewrite in the future)

My #3 favorite games of all time. It's hard for me to describe why I loved this game so much.

The excitement and wonder from climbing and defeating Colossi was great. I didn't love all of the Colossi, but the experiences I had defeating the ones that I did like was amazing and some of my favorite moments while playing games. The soundtrack is absoultely legendary and fits perfectly with the game. The graphics are beautiful, and I spent some time just walking around and enjoying the scenery.

While the game isn't particuarly long, it makes up for it with multiple difficulties, multiple collectibles, time trials, and a large world with a lot of secrets. I also love the atmosphere. This game and Ico have such a strange, otherworldly atmosphere to them that's really hard to describe, and I love it a lot.

The only reason I'm giving this a 90% and not a 100% is because of colossus 11 and 14, who not only basically had the same design, but were not that fun to fight compared to the others. They were by far the smallest, and they were just annoying to fight. They weren't difficult either, just annoying.

Outside of those two though, this game is a masterpiece and I would suggest it to anyone.

Reviewed on Jun 05, 2021
