i can't stop playing. every waking moment, i'm in this game. even on mondays, i'll never stop. after around 2 weeks, i stopped using the bathroom, and started using the litter box. i stopped eating anything besides lasagna, and i only drank milk. my wife left, and she took most of my kids, besides one, who i had with another woman. i named him jon. he cares for me after my wife left by cooking me tasty lasagna every day, cleaning my litter box and my room of all the plates and cups, and he even once bought me a computer case that has garfield on it! one time, my 662lb weight broke my special gaming chair with garfield stickers on it and i cried for a long time, until finally jon came in with a new chair. he even put the garfield stickers on for me! another time, after finishing a tasty plate of lasagna, my chest started to hurt. i tried to reach to grab my chest to make it feel better, but all the crust from the dried up lasagna made it so i couldn't move my hand. i then passed out. when i woke up, i wasn't at my gaming computer anymore. instead, i was in a place with white walls. i was on a bed, but my fat rolled out on the ground around me, which was really cold. there was a tv in front of my playing the garfield show. all the lasagna crust i had been saving up for the last 5 years was gone as well! a man walked into my room with white clothing on and said that i had had a heart attack while on my computer and that i was lucky to be alive. when i asked him where garfield kart was, he told me that i couldn't play for a bit and that i needed time to get better. after hearing this, i let out a mighty scream and scrambled to get on my feet, but i landed on the floor. the doctor called for backup to help pick me up, but it was too late. my immense weight caused the floor to break under me, which made me fall. each time i hit another floor, it broke, as i landed on multiple other people, until i finally made it to the bottom. using two stretchers to lift up my fat, i got out of that place. i didn't know where i was, but i then spotted my house a few blocks away. it took an hour, but i finally got home. jon asked what i was doing home, and i screamed at him "GARFIELD KART!!!!". he then lifted me up the stairs and put me back in my seat, and i got back to playing. i heard jon crying downstairs, presuming he was overcome with joy after i came home from that evil place.

i give this game a 10/10! great for all fans of garfield alike!

Reviewed on Jun 05, 2021
