DioField Chronicle made me a slut for RTwP. Truly I am down bad for it.

This is some of the most fun gameplay I have experienced in a long time. Maybe it's because I primarily play games with turn-based combat, which has historically been my favorite. RTwP is a niche genre and I'm surprised I haven't encountered it sooner (except maybe for Final Fantasy XII albeit it was clunky). It's likely due to the fact I'm primarily a console gamer. Everything about the mechanics in DC felt deliberate, intentional, and carefully thought out before implementation.

It felt refreshing in so many different ways and dare I say RTwP is almost superior to tb because it gets the best of both worlds - as an isometric SRPG, it feels much less grindy than tb combat, every battle is unique, and it functions like a gameboard but with more freedom since the player isn't confined to a single tile or square on the board. As someone who isn't super into RTS, this is the perfect solution for me. Lowkey kinda mad I'm late to the party.

Much to my surprise, graphics look lovely on the switch with no lag or embarassing frame rate, and it plays comfortably with a controller too. Obviously mouse and keyboard is superior for the genre but regretably I don't yet have a pc.

As far as gameplay goes, there was never a single dull moment. It never felt like a chore. I actually 100% the game; I completed every mission within its timeframe and every mission without any allies dying. Both of these tasks yield the necessary resources required for skill tree advancement. I maxed out all of the skill trees and started NG+ on hard.

I have two main complaints with this game, but imo these can be looked past. Narratively, the story does fall a bit short. Maybe because it's confusing a lot of the time, felt overly convoluted, and because the ending was both unexpected and unsatisfying. Perhaps a combination of these factors but at least the voice acting was pleasant. My second gripe is that the game is too easy for people experienced in strategy games. Even though this was my first RTwP, I was able to get the hang of it immediately. I would say that experienced players of strategy games in general should consider starting on hard difficulty for their first playthrough, since NG+ unlocks extra hard difficulty. The only distinction in the difficulty levels is how much damage you receive, nothing else. Also, MC is kinda unlikeable and arrogant but whatever.

In the end, this is a really solid game. 10/10 for gameplay, perhaps 5/10 for story, and 4/10 for character depth.

Reviewed on May 19, 2023
