Someone said that this is like the first act to a much larger game, and I couldn't agree more. Another tragic example of a phenomenal indie game with some superb ideas that just didn't have the funding/budget to realize its potential fully. The gameplay's great, the music is incredible, it looks good, etc. It's a great foundation for a sequel or even just a remake, the fundamental game design blueprint is all there. Hell, I'd even be cool with other devs taking this physics-based object-cutting puzzle design and making their own "Tiny-and-Big-likes" so long as we get more games in the style.

A good game, a game I wholeheartedly recommend, but a game that could've been so much more.

(also I wasn't kidding about the music, like even if you don't want to play the game at least listen to the soundtrack, it slaps hardcore)

Reviewed on Jan 08, 2024
