while sf6 is lacking and had a subpar patch almost a year into its life, tekken already had a solid balance patch barely even a month after release that nerfed the excessively broken stuff and made the game feel more like tekken. always good to see. hopefully the next patch (where they claim to focus more on buffing movement/defense) will ground the series even more into its roots of letting a player escape guessing situations with proper applications of knowledge and awareness. the more i dive into tekken, the more i realize how much i love that kind of stuff.

there is some pretty scrubby stuff shoe-horned into the tekken ecosystem, but it really doesn't seem as bad as most modern fighting games. the love given to legacy players here still remains pretty strong. hope we get some actually cool dlc soon though... and please stop buffing asuka's offense, just give her a normal backdash :(

Reviewed on May 25, 2024
