basically what you want to do is take the base game and add as many mods as possible to make it less american. every time you see something american in the game you need to find a mod to get rid of it. i recommend this approach for all games, but this one especially.

Reviewed on Nov 19, 2021


2 years ago

I hate to act nitpicking and biased, but your supposed favourite game, Deus Ex, is definitely quite American in its setting and the perspective it takes when showing it, as well as its overall themes (seeing as America is the home of crazy far-right conspiracies). Since it's your favourite game, I can conclude that you are attempting to use reverse psychology to promote the recently-released American Building mod (as seen here ).

...And that's another American busted!

2 years ago

actually i play deus ex with the european mod turned on. jc denton speaks swedish, walton simmons is latvian, the NSF are all from Northumbria. nicolette duclare is from texas