I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve picked up this game, convinced that THIS would be the time I finally played it through, got my ending and saw even just one storyline through to a satisfying end. THIS would be the time I’d read every dialog I was presented with, that I’d savour the delicious prose, not skip immediately to the inscrutable rewards and punishments at the end of each passage. Devastatingly, I’ve yet to be right about that even once. I respect the game an awful lot, and admire it’s early-to-the-party cosmic horror sensibility, but between the tedium of starting over (the beginning of every run feels close enough to identical to be boring but too far from identical to be second-nature) and the drudgery of getting a run onto its feet, I don’t think I can bring myself to try to love it again.

Reviewed on Feb 15, 2023
