Resident Evil 2 Remake is like stepping back into the golden age of survival horror, but with all the bells and whistles of modern gaming. From the moment I booted it up, I was hit with a wave of nostalgia. The gameplay loop, which perfectly balances tension, resource management, and exploration, is incredibly satisfying. It reminded me why I fell in love with survival horror in the first place.

The atmosphere in this game is nothing short of phenomenal. Capcom has done an excellent job of bringing Raccoon City to life with great graphics and immersive sound design. Especially the stomping of a certain character chasing you, had me on edge all the time. The revamped visuals and audio not only pay homage to the original but also elevate the experience.

What worked unexpectedly well for me, was how the game encourages multiple playthroughs. To achieve the platinum trophy, you have to dissect the game piece by piece, mastering speedruns and tackling various challenges and handicaps. Each run feels like a new puzzle to solve, pushing you to optimize your strategies and improve your skills.

However, not everything about Resident Evil 2 Remake is perfect. The story and characters, while iconic, feel a bit outdated and, at times, cringe-worthy. The dialogue can be cheesy, and the character development is somewhat shallow by today's standards. This didn't ruin the experience for me, but it did pull me out of the immersion occasionally.

In the end, Resident Evil 2 Remake is a fantastic revitalization of a classic that nails the core elements of survival horror. It's a must-play for fans of the genre and a great entry point for newcomers. If you can look past the dated story and characters, you'll find a game that masterfully combines the old and the new, delivering a heart-pounding experience that is both nostalgic and refreshingly modern.

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
