I've not "beaten" the game obviously and I definitely will play it for the forseeable future on and off again, but after visiting a lot of places that came to my mind first, I feel like I can talk a little about the game.
The Flight simulator is - as it has always been - for nerds. For people who are fascinated by airplanes, their technology and the insane amount of planning it takes to take off with these aircrafts. There is so much detail (it's a simulation, duh) that you can spend hours upon hours to understand the intricacies of different airplanes and how tightly controlled the airspace is.
It is also for those nerds, who would love to travel a simulation of our world from the comfort of their chair or couch - just for the heck of it, with a controller and very light control schemes.
But to me, this iteration of the simulator, is also for everyone who is interested in cutting edge game technology or technology itself actually, because what the devs have put in here is nothing short of a miracle. It's the piece of software that will be the reference point for a lot of things to come in the future. I'm simply not capable to explain it all, so I highly recommend the videos of digital foundry or some others on youtube that explain the multitude of unbelievable systems that went into this.
But not only fans of technology will be pleased to see a flight in this game. I can imagine showing this even to people who are not remotely into games or anything like it and they will be awestruck by the realism and the idea of having the globe at your fingertips - immediately wanting to visit home or places you have visited before. If you have the chance to do so with a proper PC or the series x, just take one flight and soak it all in - it's magical, it just is.

Reviewed on Mar 04, 2022
