Gonna come clean here. This website is currently holding my friends and I hostage. You know how you know you're too far gone? When you make an entirely separate MyAnimeList/AniList consisting of all the anime you reliably remember the openings/endings to, and haven't actually seen yet. When you do this because the game rewards you more XP when you have a wider pool of obscure, harder to guess songs, which lets you unlock character skins (which in all fairness, I could have gone without). But here I am, spending my free time in Solo mode with a ruleset optimised to grind the most XP so I can get more in-game currency.

My evenings no longer exist. There is just daytime and bedtime. You see a message as innocuous sounding as "wanna amq tonight?", and before you know it, you're getting ready for bed at 5am, with "Raspberry Heaven" from Azumanga Daioh stuck in your head.

Before you know it, all of your friends have started watching a bunch of seasonal shows they weren't actually that interested in, and are making a point out of not skipping the openings or endings.

I've memorised mid as hell songs that only play in one scene, in one episode, in shows I haven't seen yet, out of mere exposure. So many in-jokes have resulted from this thing. My friends are all able to reliably guess Promare's music in every game despite it sounding generic as all hell (sorry Sawano) because I once jokingly called it Imagine Dragons. And the entire voice chat starts laughing once the song no-one got reveals itself to be opening 52 for Detective Conan, a show I kept on my AniList because I saw the first 100 or so episodes as a kid. It's airing its 1025th episode tomorrow at the time of writing.
MyAnimeList says that it has 54 opening themes. My personal favourite right now is opening 25. This shit goes.

Sometimes it's okay to admit that you're a weeb. I don't know if this is one of those times. I get shit for reliably guessing Monogatari and I give people shit for reliably guessing other dumb ass shows. And sometimes God is in his Heaven and all's right with the world when the entire crew is able to guess the opening for Himouto! Umaru-chan correctly. But the important part is that we're all cringe together. And being cringe is fun if it means listening to bangers. I guess that's the moral here?

Anyway, I will now post a bunch of random anime openings and a couple endings that have never left my head thanks to this cursed ass game.
"Duvet" - Serial Experiments Lain
"Guardian Angel" - Texhnolyze
"Groovin' Magic" - Diebuster (Gunbuster 2) (ROUND TABLE is a great band)
"Blue Flow" - Haibane Renmei
"G.P." - Great Pretender
"Hanaji" - Maria Holic
"Cutie Honey" - Re:Cutie Honey (the visuals for this one are pretty shamelessly fanservicey though)
"Morning Grace" - Princess Tutu
"Out of Control" - Psycho-Pass
"Paraiso" - Michiko & Hatchin
"POP TEAM EPIC" - Pop Team Epic
"Spatto! Spy & Spyce" - Release the Spyce
"Truth" - Revolutionary Girl Utena
"Shounen yo Ware ni Kaere" - Mawaru Penguindrum
"Koi wa Chaos wo Shimobenari" - Haiyore! Nyaruko-San W
"The Beautiful World" - Kino's Journey
"sky's the limit" - Persona 4: The Animation
"Bomb A Head! V" - Tenjou Tenge
"Kami-iro Awase" - Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School - Despair Arc
"99.9" - Mob Psycho 100 II
"mathemagics" - Owarimonogatari
"Wareta Ringo" - From the New World

Reviewed on Nov 05, 2021


gonda breended 💀

2 years ago

gonda breended 💀

2 years ago

>"Cutie Honey" - Re:Cutie Honey (the visuals for this one are pretty shamelessly fanservicey though)
What the fuck do you think Cutie Honey is?

2 years ago

god forbid i point that out

2 years ago


1 year ago

this review felt so real that i now have three more years of memories in my brain