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1 day

Last played

June 4, 2021

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the greatest 5/10 video game ever and guniuly one of the games i wish the most i could get a lesnse into the devlopment of genuinly feels at points its zombie no more heros and then during the final 4 bosses it goes back to nmh1 levle. also i like the final boss kinda and think its better than most stuff in the first half of the game with the fact that its like "oh the sidequests in nmh1 that seemed like nothing well they were something" at the least activated nurons. another thing that i feel like really was focoused tested out of the game was the whight of the job games. while i really dont like any of themand the one that they brought back from nmh1 that there like "haha we brought back the one that sucks" was legit my favorite isnt a good thing.