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fun concept, bad execution

it has an awful matchmaking system, you have to join lobbies and challenge each person individually, can't see how many players are available, hours played, nothing. you can't measure the skill of the player that you're challenging. frequently you join a 31/32 server just to find one person who's just "busy" or spectating a match. (and you can't even challenge spectating players).

passive play is encouraged since you can block over and over, making matches drag on longer than it should. being aggressive is too punishing and messing up gets you combo'd for 10 minutes despite using DI wheel. also there's no incentive to stay on the match if you're getting combo'd without burst, so much that matches take longer than it should when your opponent decides to go afk and you have to wait 30 seconds for the next turn despite choosing a move in 5.

really loved the idea of a turn based fighting game but it is so janky that it ends up rotting the experience. this game is pretty much early access despite being full released on steam.