Even though these super big budget AAA titles aren't exactly my cup of tea I do enjoy playing them from time to time. I like when the graphics are pretty and everything is polished to perfection, and since Horizon was free on PS4 and it seemed to fit that criteria I decided to play it during the week I had off from work but sadly it left me pretty cold.
I honestly wanted to like it though, robot dinosaurs are just an inherently cool concept, but sadly the game is plagued by the same annoyances as every other open world AAA game. There's plenty of stuff to bloat the play time here, but barely any of it is interesting. Sidequest are as dull as they get and the main story is fine, but I can't say I was really invested on it or its characters.
I still had a decent time with it, but honestly I think I'd rather have my AAA experiences be more like explosives blockbusters a la Titanfall 2 rather than 40 hours of mostly mindless meandering on a very pretty map.

Reviewed on Jul 20, 2021
