Was vacillating between 3 and 4 but that final encounter makes it a 3. The combat's pretty flawed; I think others have been through it but the feedback on being hit is awful (for some reason I'm reminded of the old 90s Tekwar game), the player's too fragile especially in the first two thirds of the game, you get the fun upgrades too late and it's very difficulty spikey. There don't seem to be as many opportunities for stealth kills as previously (or I'm just less patient). It also seems to be missing a level or two as it just kind of stops.

On the flip side, when you have enemies in front of you the dual wielding is still really fun, the upgrades are really nice when you get them and the heaviest weaponry has a good kick to it. The story and setting are the best part of it, simply because it's clear that the game is ready and willing to surprise you and anything can happen, both in terms of plot and setting. I can definitely say that there are some genuinely surprising parts and the story goes some places that you couldn't ever guess. Lots of shocks, lots of laughs and multiple cutscenes that I'll remember for a long time coming. I really hope they get to continue this as being able to start at full power from this and then carry on should help a lot with the problems I had with this one.

The PC port is pretty glitchy in parts. On a 1070/7700K setup I've had multiple crashes, sky box corruption and large explosions basically turn large parts of the screen black. This is with the latest Nvidia drivers, too. At least they sorted out the loading, though, as restarting is just a few seconds on my PC. I hear it's still pretty lengthy on console but a fast SSD seems to do the trick this time. It ran fine in terms of framerate but full-on graphic artefacting is pretty rare for an Nvidia card on an id engine.

The credits music is awful as well.

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2022
