A Diablo-like game from Neocore with some interesting ideas, which sometimes work. I liked the guns, particularly the gravity gun and the bolter, and the cover system's a really good idea that works maybe 70% of the time. Once I got a sword it was all over - just absolute D3 barbarian style carnage. Fun. Story could have been interesting too if it had been better presented (there's a character you meet multiple times through the game but when you see him near the end of the campaign it's as if you've never met? Eh?) and better voiced. One of the characters sounds like Siri and most of the others sound like when an amateur modder gets his mates to do voices for his amazing Half-Life story mission.

I almost gave this a 3 but it's just too scrappy to recommend. That said, if you want to blast some Chaos at a much lower framerate than you should be getting, take a look. I'll be going back at some point for Prophecy.

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2022
