I really want to give this game a higher rating but as someone who holds the franchise of Assassins Creed so dearly I just can't. This game is an amazing open world gaming that can distract you for hours and hours just encapsulating you in the world and getting you invested in the world. Along with this it allows you to feel like your choices genuinely matter especially from the start up until the completion of the phase 1 family ending. Although even with all these fantastic things about the game it can be extremely tedious. Once you finish the family ending and move onto the Atlantis and Cult ending it is beyond frustrating and annoying trying to complete as many locations, and side quest just to get to level 50 so you can full finish all 3 phases of the story. As much as I love the side quest in this game it is beyond frustrating being forced to do them just to progress through the main quest. I probably would not have had to grind as much if I bought the XP booster but if I am pushed to buy something to level up faster so the game doesn't feel like its a drag in the end then there is something extremely wrong with your game. On this topic of micro transactions in the game another major problem is some of the best looking gear sets, horses, and ship designs are locked behind a pay wall that you have to spend money on Helix Credits to obtain. I did not spend any money on this game thankfully but other may be more tempted to buy these armors and items in the shop considering some of these armors stat wise are the best in the game. Although despite all these problems I really enjoyed Assassin's Creed Odyssey and I also really did hate it for having nothing to do with a franchise I have loved every since I was a little despite having the name of the franchise in it.

Reviewed on Dec 10, 2022
