It has been said that this game is one of the most creative games from the 6th generation of consoles. After playing it, I can testify that I do agree with those who made such statement: The gameplay is unique (and a bit hard to grasp) and the concept is fun. All of this wrapped by a crazy atmosphere in which the objects of the Earth will have to be caught by our katamari. The story is almost irrelevant although the vignettes are pretty cool. We can say that it is a kind of excuse to have a reason for playing.

Though the gameplay is fun, I wish the game had more variety of levels because it's repetitive to play on the same world twice (sometimes, more than twice). The same goes to the OST: the themes are on point but listening to the same track more than once is kind of a show of low effort. I mean, the game lasts about 5 hours and has 22 stages, so I don't think that it's too damn hard to make it more variated in these terms.

However, I keep looking forwards to play the rest of the titles because they show so much potential. I hope that the rest of the franchise doesn't have this exact issue.

PS: The final credits are pretty cool.

Reviewed on Jul 04, 2021
