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Going Under was quite a refreshing experience for me. It is an interesting twist to the rogue-like genre with tons of personality and charm.

First off, let's start with the obvious: the artsyle is amazing. I love how they used a 'graphic design' approach to everything (UIs, companies' logos and visual identity, character design...), and then made it 3D, achieving a high degree of designery flavour that gives the game a lot of charm. The tech company vibes are on point and definitely give Going Under a distinctive flavour among other recent indie game releases. The music and sound design also fit that friendly-looking corporate theme completing the startup-esque experience quite accurately.

As for how the game deals with its story and message, you should not expect a deep narrative with lots of social commentary or lore. Going Under does throw in some criticism and satire to the modern entrepreneur environment, but it is done in a humorous, lightweight manner. It does throw a punch here and there with some dialogue lines from time to time, but it always tries to do it in a not-so-serious way.

Gameplay-wise I must say I had a ton of fun playing through it, and I'm sure I will keep playing a bit more. The controls are buttery smooth, the combat is fluid and very straight-forward (though rather deep if you take your time to learn all of its potential) and the Tasks give you constant new challenges and twists to how you approach the dungeons helping them stay fresh for quite a decent amount of time. And speaking of tasks, you should definitely take your time pursuing them in the first half of the game, otherwise the second half will become a very steep difficulty spike for you. It has an interesting approach to managing dungeons, progression and content by mixing everything up and adding in some new things, but if you are still in a very early state for your character and power-ups you will suffer a lot. Fortunately Going Under comes with some very cool accessibility options for you to tweak in case you just want to have simple fun at some point.

I just hope they keep adding content via DLCs in the future, because that could increase the game's playtime quite a lot. They already have all the ingredients in place, so I'll be keeping an eye on future developer's updates.

Totally recommended!