We Love Katamari is easily the best game in the series. This game offers more variety than the first, and it introduced some of my favorite levels and songs in the entire series.

Unlike the first game, they actually put some additional effort into the remaster for this one. For one, the game is no longer capped to 30fps on PC (I'm not sure what framerate the game runs at on other platforms). They also added some additional content, such as extra levels where you can play as the King, as well as stickers hidden throughout the levels. It's not much, but I'm glad they did more than just upscaling the original game and calling it a day this time around.

However, the one thing that drags the remake down for me is the pop-in. Unfortunately, this is very noticeable, and there are some instances where it can make collecting certain objects more annoying than it should be.

Other than that, this is still a great way to play the game.

Reviewed on Jul 07, 2023
