Shin-chan: Me and the Professor on Summer Vacation - The Endless Seven-Day Journey, has a long ass title, but it's a great game though.

I've read that this game isn't for everyone, but that ain't true. The say it because of the slow pacing gameplay, well, then is Doom Eternal a 7 because of it's extremely fast gameplay? No, it's not.

You can change the day speed in the settings of the game from really calmed down to really fast, depending if you want to get the 100% in one playthrough or not. The normal speed makes a day 30 minutes long, i'ts great for a first playthrough, because you need to replay it to get the 100% (all bugs, fish, newspaper articles, dinosaur battles, etc.) but replaying it is really enjoyable.

Let's talk about the music:
This game has one of the most relaxing soundtracks i've ever heard. The title song repeats very often, but due to the short duration of the game (9-12 hours) you don't really get tired of it.
Then the intro and outro song, it is great. It is a really great song that fits really well the theme of the game, i love it.
The rest of the music is awesome too and it will make you feel more immersed in the game.

Now, let's talk about the graphics: 10/10, they're beautiful and the background is hand drawn. The 3D models are great too, very good looking, have a bit of aliasing on Switch.

Now, let's talk about the gameplay: Kinda like Stardew Valley but even MORE relaxed. It's great, I loved it. I mean, there are cool bugs. You can make the goddamn ass dance. The controls are awesome, but the dinosaur battles are unbalanced, they should fix that.

Now, let's talk about the new characters: Cap, Lalako, Yoyoko, Jiro, Saburo, Ichiro, Motto Yamada, the Professor and Ginga.
They're all great and have their own personalities, everyone but the ones we already knew that are slightly changed (Bu Chan, Kine, Kazuma, Masaya). They would just make the game feel like an episode of the anime, if it wasn't for...

THE HUMOR: It's so weak compared to the anime, it seems like the devs wanted to make it friendly for everyone without the jokes about Shin Chan going behind every woman he finds (even though he does this once, but he doesn't really say or do nothing funny), or Hiroshi doing the exact same (Hiroshi doesn't do it in the whole game), or even Shin Chan misbehaving (he acts like an angel, doesn't call his mother fat). It may contribute to the feeling of peace the game gives, but it breakes the Shin Chan humor. I laughed really hard a few times though.

And now let's speak about the translation: I found it great, as they translated correctly the names of the fictional brands and put the correct amount of idioms. Shin Chan doesn't say "mirienda", and that **** sucks.

THE STORY: Well, it's ok, i'ts like a Shin Chan movie. They have a little weird story progression system, it works like this; You play normally (talk to people, get bugs or fish or fruit or vegetables, explore), make time pass, go to sleep, next day, get up, something important related with what they told you (on dinner, breakfast or a normal converstation) happens, you play the mission that I think is obligatory to do (never really tried to skip them) and then the mission will get marked as done in the "Summer Memories" menu (they're pretty much like the Stardew Valley festivals, without the summer memories thing).
There is kind of a background story, but it's pretty short and it all ends very briefly.

It's great, buy it. I am not asking. Great music, gameplay, graphics, story, everything.
I give it a 10, but it has a small inconvinience, when you start a new game + you have to see all the intro again from the begininng, the intro is cool but when you end the game once you've already seen it thrice.
Everything else is great, if you like Shin Chan (or even if you don't) buy it. But hey, slow down, enjoy it. There is no need to rush it. You can slow down the time speed, or not.
After all you decide how to play and how to enjoy it, and the game gives you tools to do so. That's why I think it's a game for everyone, and why it's so awesome.

Reviewed on Aug 30, 2022
