If you can ignore the comically shallow plot featuring every single trope in the book, there's probably the best gameplay in the series here. After playing through it again and purely focusing on the battles, I had to up my rating to 9/10. I was so skeptical when it was first revealed and I still can't believe how much fun I've had with it.

The engage mechanics bring so many new strategies to the gameplay and there's a huge variety of unique and tightly designed maps with actually FUN gimmicks... The more aggressive bosses provide a serious challenge this time, and difficulties are well implemented. It features the rewind feature from Three Houses but is not entirely designed around it - it was very possible for me to play without ever using it which I find way more satisfying.

This felt so refreshing after 3H which, despite being a game I love, is ugly as sin... Engage's combat animations are the best we've seen yet and the presentation in general is on an entirely different league. It's much more like a 3DS era title being very streamlined but with less social sim elements, which is just what I wanted. Although the music isn't quite as mind blowing it still really moved me. It might be hard to go back to 3H now.

I enjoyed all the callbacks to older games, ones I'm familiar with and ones I'm not - returning characters, areas and remixes of the best themes. It's literally the Sonic Generations of the FE series but I wouldn't exactly recommend it as your first game.

Reviewed on Mar 11, 2023
