(Played on PS4 not the bad PS3 port)

One of the best character action games ever made that not only rivals DMC but surpasses it at times. It's got a similar intricate stylish combat system but it's unique in being heavily based around long aerial combos and slowing down time with perfect dodges. You spawn torture devices out of thin air and summon demons with your hair to execute your enemies. Of all things, the level design is reminiscent of Mario Galaxy with all its walking on walls and planetoids. It's all very wacky and gory and a non-stop adrenaline rush.

It's also brutally difficult, but it allows you a sense of power if you can keep your enemies in the air and have perfect reflexes. For the most part I think the challenge is fair and the mechanics are balanced, that power is earned with your own skill and spamming will get you nowhere. (I say all this because these are key elements the sequel lost.) I don't care for the story but Bayonetta herself is a very enjoyable character, her English voice actor really brought her to life. I loved all the references to Capcom and SEGA stuff.

In my eyes this is the most consistent and complete game Platinum ever put out, it has so much soul and it meant all their games I've tried since have left me with varying degrees of disappointment. That's not to say it doesn't also have some pretty glaring flaws of its own, such as the instant death QTEs and the obscenely long missile shoot em up level (that's attached to the best boss in the game) but I can overlook them.

Reviewed on Mar 15, 2023


1 year ago

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