Crazy fun with a learning curve that rewards you for engaging with it instead of mashing through the game. I only wish I was good enough to hear the vocal themes more.

Reviewed on Apr 10, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

You need to use a controller. Keyboard controls just don't work. For Nero, you need to reroute the controller a little.
You need to assign Blue Rose to Right Trigger so you can always be charging shots.
Assign the exploding Devil Breaker to the Dpad so you do not accidentally misfire.
Assign Devil Trigger to Left Button like Dante, V, and Vergil.
Assign Devil Buster to Square or X if you are using an Xbox Controller.
Getting the hang of timing Exceed after every attack is key to getting consistent S ranks every fight. It's hard at first, but when you get Max-Exceed, it becomes far easier to do it every attack, as you only need to time it after your attack, not hold it.

I also recommend playing through Human difficulty and making slow, deliberate combos. The more you practice, the faster you will be able to execute combos. After you run through the campaign on Human, take what you learned, and play it again on Devil Hunter, then progress to higher difficulties as you go.