(Just going to treat this and the free patches that came close to release like the Final Mix version of the game)
I really liked base KH3 but it was lacking a proper postgame. ReMind fixes that which puts KH3 in my Classics list. They added new combat abilities that you can cancel out of, we get two new keyblades that come with dual-wielding, two new difficulty modes, tough super bosses and a new scenario that's a bit hit or miss. A bit too expensive but I guess that's better than paying for a full price import like I used to do. Not perfect but, Kingdom Hearts will never be a flawless game. It is fun though and it left me excited for what's coming next.

I also want to add that after replaying the older games that I really appreciate the "energy" for the Disney worlds. They used to be these cutscenes that had no music and lacked some of the emotional elements from the movies. The level design is also a huge improvement, though I do miss KH1's interactivity within the worlds.

As for combat, while it's not as tuned as 2's I think it more than makes up for that with speed, maneuverability, air tech, keyblade switching and other accesibilty options. Just moving fromplace to place feels much better than the other titles.

The issue is with these improvements are that you can melt through enemies with ease even on the hardest difficulty. This is an issue with a lot of the games in this series, but it'd be nice if enemies sped up alongside Sora. The Data Battles are proof what you can do with enemies design around 3's toolkit.

Another gripe is that spinoffs introduced a bunch of spells that could've been really cool to have in a big mainline title like this. Things like Esuna or Haste would've benefited a lot in the RPG part of this game. Same with them not having an ability tree like in BBS. I would even love if base Sora learned a few skills from his Formchanges. You know just stuff to play around with in this AAA JRPG.

Lastly this is something that's plagued the series as a whole and it's something that I either don't mind or a thing I've just gotten used to, but the separation between Disney, KH & legacy Square content has gotten old.. I understand the restrictions, but at least have the KH/FF cast appear as party members or quest NPCs for these worlds.

Anyway, still one of my favorite games just wanted to add a few thoughts

Reviewed on Sep 09, 2020
