Sonic 2 on the Master System makes some improvements over the original, such as not capping your speed to that of a snail in water levels, as well as giving you a slightly more reasonable invincibility frame, even if it is still crazy short. This game has a massive problem with spike pits, you will fall into like 30 of these per play, at minimum, unless you have memorized everything perfectly to the point that you can avoid every single one. A lot are also just off camera entirely. Despite having worse level design than its predecessor, it at times feels like a Sonic game, which I cannot say about Sonic 1 SMS. Despite it being objectively worse EASILY, I found myself enjoying this game more, especially because of the funniness of it being so bad that it looped back around to being good. I would never play it again, though.... lol.

Reviewed on Jun 03, 2024
