You may not find much depth to the gameplay, but Decap Attack's artstyle is unique to why the game is an enjoyable time and underrated to a degree. Audio is one of the best parts of the game, with unique tunes in most levels that are accompanied by wacky character designs. It is also not much of a time investment being less than 3 hours at the most. All the worlds are unique in their own right, barring the repetitive enemies in some levels. Platforming is easy, if your only aim is to finish the level, but exploring every part of the level proves to be a challenge. It is also nice how there is a sense of verticality, allowing you to have multiple paths to the same finish point. Unfortunately, the boss fights in spite of being well made all have similar patterns with an occasional gimmick every 1-2 worlds despite their unique designs. But, these minor gripes shouldn't stop you from playing an underrated and fun Genesis game.

Reviewed on Aug 03, 2020
