I always hated the fact everyone says E.T. is the reason why the Videogame crash happened in 1983. It's not the worst Atari game at all, but of course, they decided to rush its development because E.T. was a thing back in 1982, and they released a poor game with a large amount of merchandise. It will always be known as the game that almost killed the videogame industry. :(

(When anyone says 'shovelware' it reminds you of Nintendo Wii, right? Don't forget shovelware was a thing back in 1982 lmao)

O game que vai ficar pra sempre lembrado como o jogo que causou o crash dos videogames de 83, mas na realidade ele nem é tãaaao ruim assim. Enfim, nos proporcionou séries legais de pessoas tentando desvendar o mito de terem enterrado várias cópias do jogo no deserto do Novo México.

Reviewed on Sep 28, 2021
