20 minutes till dawn, or 20mtd for short, is one of the earlier examples of the whole "survivorlike" genre, or whatever you want to call it (garliclike, bullet heaven, vampirelike) and it doesn't really stray away from the core values of it
it's a simple premise, survive 20 minutes, get some upgrades, and just restart if you die.
this comes with some pros, and some notable cons.
pros - it's replayable, and it doesn't require much effort to get into
cons - the upgrade paths are barebones, there aren't many of them, and half of them are worthless. the same goes with characters, and weapons. you'll notice this also happens with a lot of later games that take inspiration from 20mtd specifically too, it seems to just be a developmental issue more than anything
i can at least give the game merit for its artstyle, and not being challenging enough to warrant a tedious 100%
oh also the girls are hot too

Reviewed on Jun 10, 2024
