A goofy novelty that is actually just terrible. Some fun things to note, however:

1) This is similar to Zombie Revenge, but obviously a whole lot more shit.
2) Changing the blood to GREEN in the options coats the whole Zombie Dog in GREEN, but leaves the gaping wounds on all other models their original BLOOD-RED.
3) Nemesis in this works similarly to Mr. X from the RE2make, pushing them forward into terrible situations while being indestructible himself.
4) Nemesis in this is also more effective than the Nemesis in the RE3make...
5) It is funny that in order to be a threat Alexia relies on constantly respawning zombie dogs during her boss fight, the image is stupid as shit.
6) It is also funny that Alexia sicks a gigantic spider on you when in typical stuck-up villain fashion she decides that she doesn't have the time to fight you. "Nevermind! My spider will make quick work of you... ta-ta."

Reviewed on Oct 17, 2020
