Insane how big a step up this is from the first game, the graphics are honestly next gen (somehow) and the OST goes so fucking hard all the time. I have big mixed feelings though, the game is very short, money, and by proxy side jobs, is useless, theres a total of four katanas in the game and only two you can purchase. Also, the final boss is pretty shit, designwise and gameplay wise too. Side content ran out around getting ranked fourth. Although there are a couple missions playing as Shinobu and Henry, they felt very barebones. The story is plenty simple, but the comedy took a step down from the first one. It also lost the free fight missions and the open world. Now granted all of these were very jank in the first game, but I feel like it gave the game a lot of character. This game tries harder to be a "normal" gaming experience and suffers a bit from it. But, what matters most, is that the combat looks, feels, and is plain fucking amazing. Based ass game!

Reviewed on May 10, 2024
