They somehow managed to do everything the first game did, but 10x better. Its so good.

This game is so, so good. Even when it only included the hitman 3 levels and you had to pay extra for the others I would of strongly recommended this game. Now with the world of assassination where you get all 3 games, this game is one of the best stealth games ever. Personally, I think the 2nd game has the best levels. But the others are still amazing. The game has about 21 levels and every one (except Colorado, it's awful) is amazing. The amount of ways the beat each level is amazing. And it doesn't end there! The game has even more content. The biggest of these is freelancer, which is a rouge like mode where targets and objectives are randomised and you can't save. I don't like it as much as the main game but it's still really fun. Then there's sniper assassin, which is the weakest mode in the game. You have to kill targets using a sniper in 3 unique maps. It's fun but doesn't have much content. There's a couple other game modes but you should go check them out for yourself. Overall, this game is amazing in so many ways.

Havent played it in a while but Its really good. Sequels are better though

The best vr puzzle game Ive ever played. Way better then the first game. Maybe a bit overpriced since its pretty short.

Its an amazing puzzle game. But the 2nd game is a bit better.

Where do I even begin. This is the best horror game I've ever played, It might even be my favourite game ever. Everything about this game is perfect (except the ending, which is pretty lackluster). The atmosphere in this game is incredible. This game can still scare me even after my dozens of replays. The games about 4 hours long on your first go, short enough to beta in one sitting, but after a few replays it's about an hour long. I could talk for hours about how good the game is, but I don't wanna spoil anything for people who haven't played it before. So if you haven't played it before, stop reading this and go play it! But if you have, keep reading if you want

Where do I even begin. I guess I'll start with a basic plot summary, in case you don't remember. You play as miles upsher, an investigative reporter going to investigate mount massive asylum since he got an anonymous tip of a worker. As he explores the asylum, miles realizes the horrific stuff that went on there. He begins to be hunted by Chris walker (I'll go into more detail about him and all the characters later) and he attempts to escape the asylum. However, Miles gets stopped by the priest who abducts him and puts him deeper into the asylum. After a few close calls with the inmates, Miles runs into the twins multiple times. While getting chased by Chris, Miles gets BLASTED OUT OF A WINDOW BY AN EXPLOSION (Even though he landed on a pile of bodies, I have no idea how he survived.). After a few encounters with Chris in the sewers, and a meeting with the priest, Miles goes to the male ward (my favourite chapter in the game). Miles gets chased by a few inmates but gets saved by a voice on the speakers telling him to go up the food chute. Turns out, this guy was doctor Trager, and he straps you to a wheelchair and pushes you right in front of the exit. He tells miles to leave and go for a stroll, but since he's tied to a chair he can't and he pushes him into an elevator, past some of Tragers patients, and into a room where he chops 2 of Mile's fingers off before claiming he'll "finish you later" and leaves. Mile's escapes and gets chased by Trager for a while. Miles eventually finds the elevator key and enters the elevator. But Trager enters the elevator and tries to kill him. Then Mile's pushes him into the elevator door and he gets squished. It kills Trager but blocks the elevator from lowering to the exit. Mile's has a few run ins with Chris, the priest and some inmates before entering the church. This is where the priest is nailed to a cross. He gives Mile's the key to another elevator that will take him to the main exit. The cross gets set on fire and the priest dies. Mile's goes to the elevator and puts the key in. It lowers to the exit. But the door doesn't open. It continues lowering, Until Mile's enters the underground lab. This is where he encounters the wallrider for the first time. Throughout the game, Mile's has heard people mention the wallrider (mainly the priest). And now he finally see's him. Mile's escapes the wallrider but gets cornered by Chris. It seems like Chris is about to kill Mile's. But then the wallrider enters and slams Chris into an airvent, Killing him. Mile's finds an office with Dr. Wernicke, an old. dying man who was widely regarded by the inmates as dead. He tells Mile's that he won't be able to leave unless he destroys the wallrider. And to do this, Mile's needs to kill Billy Hope, Who controls the wallrider. While being chased by the wallrider, Mile's unplugs Billy's life support, killing him. However, The wallrider throws Mile's high in the air and goes inside him. Mile's hits the ground (I have no idea how he survives this, It's a huge fall). He slowly limps his way to the exit. But then Dr. Wernicke comes in with a bunch of armed people. They all shoot Mile's and he dies... Maybe. The screen goes black as Dr. Wernicke says "You... have become the host", as the Wallrider is heard killing all the people. And then credits roll. That took a while to write. If some of that didn't make sense, Go play the game again and you'll probably know what I'm talking about. If you wanna know more about the games lore, characters, etc, read the graphic novels. They're all on red barrels website for free.

Well, lets talk about the characters now. The most notable character is Chris Walker. He's my favourite character in the game. He's an amazing villain and a terrifying one too. He's in almost every chapter in the game and always manages to make the reader scared. Then there's Doctor Trager. He's an amazing villain too, but he died way too early. He had so much potential, and what we saw of him in the short time he was alive was great. But he died in the chapter he was introduced, which is pretty disappointing. Then there's the priest. He doesn't attempt to murder you like the other villains, but he does trick you into going to the underground lab. He's an alright villain, but my least favourite villain of the game. Then there's the wallrider. From the very first chapter he is mentioned, but you don't see him until the 3rd and 5th chapter where he is seen for a brief moment. He isn't properly introduced until the last chapter. His lore is really interesting but too complicated to fit into this review He's one of the best villains in the game, but I don't have much to say about him.

And here's everything else about the game. The music is really good and adds to the experience of playing. The camcorder is a super unique and interesting mechanic and I haven't seen anything like it since. The notes in this game (acquired by looking at something of interest with the camcorder) are surprisingly funny and add to Mile's personality which is a good thing as there's no other way to see his personality since he doesn't speak.

Overall, this game is absolutely incredible in every way. The fact that only 10 people made this game is absolutely astounding . 11/10.

And we're not even done yet. There's still the dlc! Long story short, It's really good, but not as good as the main game. I really like how it starts as a prequel but turns into a sequel. It will probably get it's own review later.

It's alright but it is way worse then the 1st game and it's not very scary.

The campaign is really good. I never got the chance to play multiplier and spec ops is okay.

The campaign is great. Multiplier is good and zombies is really fun.

Campaign is the best part of this game. The multiplier is really good but the zombies is pretty bad with only a couple good maps.

Campaign is a good end the the trilogy. But the multiplier and spec ops aren't the best

The campaign is awful and the multiplier is alright. But the zombies is the best in cod history.

The lack of a campaign holds this game back a lot. However the multiplier and zombies is pretty underated. I've never played blackout so I can't comment on it.

The campaign is pretty good but not as good as mw2 or 3. The multiplier is okay but pretty boring.

This is probably my favourite cod game. The campaign is really good, the multiplier is solid and the zombies is really fun and has a lot of content.