Best lightweight open world game, especially from 2004.

I've play this with emulator and I think the camera and targeting system was strange but the new mechanic was also interesting.

Better graphic and lot of characters that I've doesn't know before.
The new mechanic was different from DW6 but still interesting.
Oh there also lot of female characters XD

My first dynasty warriors game, at first I don't understand how to play it and just using musou attack every time but later on I reallize it yeahh I have lot of fun with this game.
Great experience..

At first, this is a good game and really competitive by mastering my combo but later on.. cheaters coming and this game is going pay to win then closed ...

Really loves their zombie mode XD, and the fact that I am only playing the zombie mode was so funny.
I don't really understand their weapon and mechanic since I am just playing zombie mode and some of story mode but this is cool.
Seems like they was stopped their services and publish another game ...

My first online FPS game before CS Online, the experience was amazing in that time.
But now (2022) I think there is still lot of cheater and pay to win weapon Lol.
Anyways if I want to nostalgic with this, then I will play it ...

Better graphic and I really enjoyed this one, the things that I didn't like is I can't jump freely without specific configuration because I've played other FPS game that can jump freely before...
And for now I still can not found the team death match mod (without server)

The first FPS game that I have downloaded for offline play and it works!
As for game from around that year (2000) that was enough for me, but still not comfortable with their aim and weapon system and we all know that there is always 2 powerful weapon there.,