a truly phenomenal game. manages to be extremely unsettling and disturbing while also telling a fantastic story of guilt and tragedy. i love how this incorporates elements of the developer's culture and dark history to really make it a one-of-a-kind.

gameplay-wise it is a touch on the standard side, taking clear notes from silent hill's books in terms of puzzle solving, although there are occasionally very interesting and unique gameplay ideas to catch you off guard. detention also takes inspiration from silent hill in how surreal it can get.

visually it has an astounding style that is unique and perfectly matches the events portrayed. it's incredibly atmospheric and immersive, too. a lot of the scares really catch you off guard, and solidify how strong the game is as a horror in its own right. the story is not one for the faint of heart and, as more of it is unveiled, the more devastated the player will find themselves. this game does not fuck around.

really, the only flaws here are minor nitpicks barely worth mentioning like frame-rate drops and some instances of screen-tearing, but like, that's it in terms of problems. it's the perfect length; not too short to leave no impact, but not so long it overstays its welcome. a depressing story told cryptically but not to the point of being incomprehensible, all the while being rich with the history and folklore of the country it takes place in.

it is astounding to me that such an amazing game was made by such a tiny team. for anyone learning about taiwanese history, or anyone who just wants to play a really good horror game, i would definitely say detention is worth every penny.

Reviewed on Jan 30, 2024
