the UK is warming up, and as such i thought i would play a sunny game to match that. outrun 2006 absolutely nails the hedonism and escapism. what it lacks in the variety of mechanics you get to work with present in other arcade racers, it makes up for in style, summertime vibes, and a great batch of memorable tracks and music. keeping things simpler really pays off here, even if it does lead to the game feeling a teeny tiny bit monotonous. the various modes are fun on their own, however can get a bit repetitive if you're playing through the campaign.

impressing your girlfriend through comitting various acts of heinous vehicular ABH never gets old, and i love how every rank you can score on these levels has a different reaction image. very fun to try and see them all. ignoring the special place in hell reserved for the spudnet-brained dingmush that created the abominable shitecunt nightmare hellfucks that are the 'keep above the speed' and the 'photograph the sights' missions for jennifer and holly respectively, there's rarely a dull moment while playing this game. great arcade racer and i will be returning to it soon to try out outrun 2 sp.

Reviewed on May 19, 2024
