i greatly recommend people to play lobcorp first before getting into ruina, there’s also a lot of key stuff there especially with regards to some characters

angela is also one of my all-time favourite characters. i think her character development, personality, relations with other characters are beautifully written and fleshed out, and some of her floor realisations just hit hard.

i also love the briah trio (tiphereth, gebura & chesed) and their dynamics. but i wont dwell too much on it because if i start talking about them this review is going to be a few pages long… its better if you play through and enjoy their portrayals and interactions instead shh

the music is also great. especially the floor soundtracks i think they bring out each floor’s patron librarian’s personalities well and they truly set the atmosphere..

overall, its use of themes, motifs and references are pretty solid and its probably one of the games that will be sticking with me for a long while