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Time Played

2h 26m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

October 28, 2023

Platforms Played


I was incredibly excited to play this game after watching the trailer. I've always loved combat with a focus on timing and parrying (I mean, just look at my playtime in Sekiro) so to bring it to a 2D platformer seemed like an interesting idea. The senses mechanic is incredibly unique and interesting, and I love the idea of getting more information about the world from potentially outdated sources. The setting is also perfect – I love cyberpunk and I love samurai, so this game seemed PERFECT to me.

How disappointed I was when I booted it up and played it.

The first hour or so was fun! I enjoyed getting to grips with the combat and learning more about Yami's character. However, once I reached the forest, I got very burnt out very quickly. Zero enemy variety. Encounters every other minute. A constant cycle of the same repetitive attack patterns, over and over again. I haven't got past the forest yet. Its boss was the final nail in the coffin for me. The first 10 minutes’ worth of attempts were spent simply trying to figure out what the hell to do, and then the next 40 were spent doing what the game asked me to, and then being killed at the end because it decided it didn’t want to read my input, even though I pressed my F key just as hard as I had the last 20 times. I tried to push through it, hoping that maybe this time it won’t screw me over arbitrarily and I’ll be able to move on to something more interesting. Unfortunately, the slow-paced snooze-fest of a boss fight was just too boring to justify trying again that many times. I closed the game.

I don’t know if I’ll return to this game. I want to, because it’s clear that the developers put an immense amount of effort into it. The graphics are impressive, the story is compelling, and their ideas are fantastic. They have all the right ingredients for a perfect game, but unfortunately, it may have been slightly too ambitious for such a new studio. The controls are full to the brim with jank, and the combat is entirely less inspiring and engaging than I had anticipated; the enemies are repetitive and boring to fight. I truly respect the work they’ve done on this game, and I wish it could have been better. It had so much potential – it just needed a little more time in the oven. I want to give it a second, third, fourth chance. I don’t know how long it will take me – I’m aware the game is rather short – but perhaps someday I’ll have a complete review to post here. 3.5/10