I do like this game in general. I didn't finish it because of a game-breaking bug, that would have only been fixed by starting an entire new playthrough (details in the community discussion tab), which was a major downside. Otherwise, I thought the idea was cool, of the multiple branching storylines happening through different people all at the same time in the same place. I also liked the setting. Unfortunately, I just don't think it was executed particularly well. Not only are the multiple different storylines and character ambitions a little bit too much to process at the speed and sheer number at which they are thrown at you, but the game is quite boring for a majority of your time playing, just watching characters have conversations, then moving across the room, reloading time, and listening to another two characters have a conversation. I do like walking simulators, i love firewatch and what remains of edith finch, but I had a hard time getting into tacoma. If the idea still sounds interesting to you, i would definitely recommend and pray that you do not run into any bugs. Just not really a game for me, necessarily.

Reviewed on Apr 12, 2024
