Golden Sun 2001

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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 26, 2021

Platforms Played


This has been a game I've started so many times but because I didn't pick it up until the early DS era, I've always ended up dropping it around the first lighthouse due to new releases distracting me. Finally though, to celebrate its 20th anniversary, I dedicated time to see this classic through to the post credits

First, I have to say the games music and atmosphere do a brilliant job at sucking you into its world. The opening scene is intense and dramatic with so much going on it's easy to be intrigued by the plot it's setting up.

While the characters aren't the deepest around, the little emotes and animations they do give just enough for you to get attached to them throughout the journey.

I absolutely adore the Psyenergy mechanics. They kind of remind me of Pokemon's HMs but done right. Each character has their Psyenergy abilities which are used to solve overworld puzzles, like moving rocks, lifting boulders, growing plants, etc. These are always available and the odd time you might not have one, all it takes is moving Djinni (I'll get to them soon) here or there. This is a fantastic system because it allows the overworld and dungeons to have some really good puzzles without ever becoming tedious because you didn't have the right Psyenergy to move forward.

Now Djinn are another excellent part of the Golden Sun experience. These little creatures can be set to each character to offer buffs, debuffs, and attacks they wouldn't normally have access to. Each Djinn is a specific element type and you can give them to the character that matches that element or..... you can experiment with different combinations. And when you use a Djinn in battle you can summon an elemental move of incredible depending on the amount of Djinn used (the max summon is 4). These summons are spectacular and I love watching them.

My only nitpick with the game is that the ending is kinda unsatisfactory for me personally. Now I know the game makes it clear that the story is to be continued in The Lost Age but it clearly stops at the halfway point with so many questions left unanswered that it leaves me a little unfulfilled in a way. It's clear that the two GBA titles are essentially meant to be played back to back and I don't mind having a story split into two parts, but I do need a little bit more than just hooks for the second part (though those hooks are good and I am very excited to finally play The Lost Age)

All in all, this has become one of my favourite GBA games and I now understand why it has such a passionate following. It's a charming and excellent JRPG adventure that I would highly recommend.