A tricky one, but a good one. Use a handful of artefacts written in a long-dead language to uncover an ancient secret.

This is a cut above the usual videogame language puzzle. I'm having trouble saying why without spoiling how to solve this game or any other game I might compare it to. Probably the closest comparison is Chants of Sennaar, but that game had frequent confirmation steps so that you could never go too wrong with your translations. Epigraph is not going to catch you when you fall. You've got to tread very carefully, remember all the assumptions and guesses you've made, and be willing to scrub a lot of work if something looks very wrong. You won't know you've got it right until you get it all right. But God it feels good when you get it all right.

Two things bug me slightly. First, one of your resources is a handwritten letter to catch you up on a previous translator's efforts, but the font is tiny on my screen and I wish it was bigger. Second, I'm pretty sure one of the sub-puzzles ends up being ambiguous between what two characters could mean, so even if you get everything else spot-on you may have to do a little brute-forcing anyway. (But maybe I missed another clue somewhere. Not impossible that I'm just dumb!)

But as a whole the game is really satisfying. Very slick and confident, tough but fair, and with lots of interesting sub-steps that keep the core puzzle interesting to the end. Very nice.

Reviewed on Mar 10, 2024
