Honestly very disappointed with this one. There's only so much you can do wrong with a Mario platformer but this is the worst I've encountered. The 3D gimmick of the system is integral to certain levels which would be fine if that gimmick looked good but it really doesn't in this game. I've played a bit of some other games with the 3D on and it's been fine, great even but not on this one. The level design is bland and the game gets pretty repetitive after a while but at least it's only short. Had a better time with a lot of other Mario platformers.

However it is still a Mario platformer and it is very playable, just probably the last one I'd pick up from the ones I've played. Also, my 3DS broke after this which sucks hard, I didn't get to get through the games I wanted to play yet! I will repair it, I've had some issues doing it but I'll be vigilant.

Reviewed on Feb 05, 2024
