Disregard this review. Game's mid.

Game's actually pretty fun, I honestly think people hate it for the wrong reasons.
It seems Genshin Impact has been getting progressively better, every new region blows the last one out of the water: soundtrack, exploration, story and characters all get more interesting and engaging.
The game is very ---inspired--- by BoTW, if you've played the latter before you'll see what I mean pretty quickly. Never thought it was a big problem though, considering how differently you play both games.
I honestly think that Genshin is a decent game, but could be a lot better. If you like anime, open-world games or RPGs, you might like this game too!

Okay, now I'm done with the positive section of this review.
Genshin sucks ass late game, gacha system is awful, artifact system is even worse.
If you do play this game regularly you WILL reach a point where all you can do is farm farm farm for stuff because you've already finished every event Genshin has offered you.
You log in, do your daily quests, spend resin, and then log off. Now do that for weeks straight if you want a chance of getting your oh so beloved character that only shows up in a banner once in a blue moon (where the fuck are you Hu Tao). You get so little in-game currency to spend that you need to play for three days to get a 1/90 chance of getting a cool 5 character... AND THERE'S A 50% CHANCE YOU DON'T GET THEM AT ALL HAHAHAHAHAHAHA fuck you mona and qiqi*
Oh, what was that? You want to make the character you spent your blood, sweat and tears to get a bit stronger???
Well, why don't out repetitively grind for artifacts then! Getting the stats you want is stupidly hard, and even the artifact's substats are randomized so you could get actual garbage!!!! Isn't that a fun mechanic that definitely doesn't need to be reworked?
Not to mention Hoyoverse's stupid aversion to making characters with darker skin tones.
Am I still gonna play it? Yes. Would I recommend it? Nope.

Reviewed on Aug 31, 2022
