I have really wanted an English release, even a fan translation, of the Boku no Natsuyasumi games, so I was excited when a western release for this Shin-Chan licensed one was announced.

I like Shin-Chan, and enjoy the style of humour, however this is definitely more of a 'Shin-Chan' game than a 'My Summer Vacation' game, which I found disappointing. For me, my interest in this game series was in getting to enjoy a relaxing, grounded summer vacation experience. The inclusion of the Shin-Chan licensing really shifted the tone, and there were a lot of fantastical, unrealistic elements introduced that I found jarring. The game was still sweet, it looked great, and I enjoy Shin-Chan's humour and portrayal of family, but I wish we got an unlicensed Boku no Natsuyasumi game that offers a more realistic and tonally sound summer vacation experience.

Reviewed on Nov 03, 2022
