Another example of a game that is hated on for no good reason - not that my 2 star rating is helping. CT3 deserves way more love than it gets. It's so flawed, but it has such a heart of gold within.

Even though in my reviews of the other three games I decry them for their lack of speed, I want to say this game was way too fast from what I remember. Granted, I haven't played this game in probably a decade; but it went in the total opposite direction. Between enemies everywhere, boss fights, and a plot that jumps around like no one's business; this game just feels rushed to me. I love the atmosphere; I love the music; and I love the overall design. I just never feel like I got to enjoy any single part of this game long enough for a survival horror. I almost want to call this Rule of Rose if they did everything incorrectly. Maybe I'm also being too harsh on this game though?

All-in-all I would absolutely recommend this game to anyone in checking out PS2 games that flew under the radar of the greatest hits discussion. I just wouldn't come in expecting the world's greatest videogame let alone the best survival horror - maybe I'll review my darling gem Rule of Rose one day - but I would expect a good time none-the-less. Another game that I hopefully want to re-add to my collection one day - assuming I see it for a good price at Hard-Off.

Reviewed on Feb 02, 2021


3 years ago

yknow ive heard more people say this game is overhated than hear people that actually hate it

3 years ago

Back when I first got into Clock Tower, all I ever heard was people shitting on the game. I think as time has gone on more people have come to realize it wasn't nearly as bad as they thought. The fact that you could find multiple copies for less than $5 at any Gamestop for close to a decade kind of cements that initial reaction to the game in my memory though.