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I'm so glad I finally got around to this game. Somehow I was hesitant to pick it up, even though I enjoyed playing the first two games. The backlog tracker showed me I was most interested in this game and it was no disappointment. These games are indie gems. I'm sad the studio hasn't made any other point and clicks because I would play them in a heartbeat. There was so much heart and passion in these games. The art style is completely unique but works great for the game. Every character oozes charm and personality. The accents are accents I have never heard in a video game before but make the dialogue even wittier and relaxed-sounding. I don't think I've ever played a point 'n click where the puzzles were so easily accessible for me. For some people they might be too easy, but it was the perfect difficulty for me. I loved that when I thought of something completely out of the box, it actually worked. It matched my thought pattern perfectly. I played the game on my TV (Steam Deck) with a controller and the controls felt clunky but I got used to it quickly, just like with the first two games. It didn't dampen my enjoyment at all. The story was exciting, I loved seeing old friends and making new ones and the ending was very satisfying. I definitely teared up when the pirate queen came through for us!

Reviewed on Dec 30, 2023
