"Ghostwire: Tokyo" beckons players into the bustling streets of Shibuya, inviting them to confront ghosts and spirits in a first-person shooter experience where elemental spells replace conventional firearms. The combat mechanics, though not overly intricate, manage to deliver fun through their brisk pace and vibrant light effects. The creatures' designs further amplify the enjoyment, especially when messing around the environment with glitchy effects and dreamy scripted events.

Unfortunately, the core narrative and main campaign don't meet the expectations set by the gameplay. They come across as rushed and half-baked. Nonetheless, these shortcomings find their counterbalance in the game's array of side quests and collectibles. These aspects prove to be the truly rewarding and enjoyable facets of the gameplay. My recommendation would be to rush through the main campaign and then enjoy strolling through the map and enjoying the exploration. I wish I had more time to do the trophies too...

An evident dedication to precision manifests in the game's faithful recreation of Shibuya's main streets, where landmarks and famous buildings are painstakingly reproduced and easily recognizable to those familiar with the area. While the game seems to have been designed to captivate Western players, the Japanese origins of the team is reflected in the meticulous replication of objects and everyday life elements, even more than real-life setting games like "Yakuza".

The freedom of movement within the game is both seamless and gratifying, free from the interruption of transitional cutscenes or protracted animations that might impede the gameplay. Moreover, the vertical exploration of select buildings and spaces adds an extra layer of immersion, allowing the exploration of underground areas and jumping from one building to another.

In short, while "Ghostwire: Tokyo" falls short in terms of its central narrative, its captivating recreation of Shibuya, attention to detail, and enjoyable diversions found in side quests offer a satisfying and immersive gameplay experience.

Reviewed on Aug 18, 2023
