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This game is what got me into Fate proper.
Before finishing it, I read all of Fate/Stay Night, and I've learned a lot about the franchise since.
Because of this being my introduction, the feelings I have toward this game are pretty personal, only amplified by the fact that I played this with my best friend.

Regardless, this game was REALLY engrossing for me until the final act, honestly.
The endings are very unsatisfying, and the climax of each feel pretty unearned.
I would have preferred a single ending that's more fleshed out than what we got for the three that exist.
Idk, I at least wanted a nice moment between Iori and Saber at the end, but we never get that in any of the endings.
Despite that, the characters in this game are all mostly really good, and amazingly fun.

Gameplay is fun, if repetitive.
I hope the dlc gives a better ending.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2024
