Seems kind of like a beta at times, but as a sort of port of a 3DS eShop title I guess that makes sense. Also weirdly easy until the end when it’s expected Mega Man type difficulty. At least I thought it was weirdly easy, until halfway through playing the sequel I realized you're intended to treat its score system like how you treat Devil May Cry's. Getting high scores is meant to be a relevant part of its gameplay, and I just wasn't treating it as such. It's tough for me to care about that when there's not much to incentivize you for getting your numbers big and the "good" gameplay isn't particularly flashy or cool, not inherently rewarding on its own for me. But it makes for a frictionless experience at least. Getting the true ending requiring you to play the final stage again is stupid, but with the intention being you redo levels often to grind out a good score, I guess it's like, not meant to be as stupid? Just sort of on me for not really clicking with that part of the game. Also this guy’s a fucking middle schooler? What?

Reviewed on Oct 16, 2023
