Game is noticeably better than the first, and playing as Copen is a lot of fun. I wasn’t planning on getting the Luminous Avenger iX games, but I think I might do that now. Getting the true endings requiring you to play the final stage again is stupid, but like with the first the idea is that you've already been primed for replaying stages while score grinding. And again like the first, I wasn't doing that. How this sequel differs though is in that its level design and enemy variety makes the less score-driven approach a lot more fun. It can be played more like the Mega Man X/Zero I keep unfairly expecting from this series. And while I know like maybe 5 Japanese words, I can tell just by listening that the localization went crazy off-script. I don’t mean to say that translations should always be as strict as possible, but it was obvious that the minor details of a lot of the dialogue were getting wildly altered. From beginning to end it comes off as much more meme-y, almost degenerate at times. What you get from this change though is a story with lots of really strong, excited personalities. So while wild, I found myself a lot more interested in the characters and even the world than I was expecting to. But there's no denying it, this game is made distinctly more horny than the first.

Reviewed on Oct 16, 2023
