While I do miss the days where RgG games were not on the Dragon Engine, this is as close as we've gotten to a game that reaches the highs of the Yakuza games. The combat is still really sluggish and stiff at times, but when it works, it's some of the best work for RgG studio.

A lot of the detective stuff is kinda whatever, and way too repetitive, and a lot of boss fights are kinda just there. The Keihin gang is way too prevalent and obnoxious when you're just trying to complete cases, etc. The story, characters, and select moments in the game were strong enough to make me love it overall. I do hope that they improve on the detective element of the game in Lost Judgment, which I'm looking forward to playing in the near future.

They might've ruined Yakuza by making it a turn based series from here on out, but I'm happy if Judgment carries on the old formula, assuming we get more games in the future.

Reviewed on Jun 27, 2022
