If FEAR 2 was Call of Duty's influence being felt, FEAR 3 is that influence being on full display. The gunplay still pales in comparison to the original FEAR, but it feels better than FEAR 2's limp combat, though removing health kits in favor of regen removes what little resource management there was. Damage also makes you flinch now which is just immensely annoying, alongside new enemies that are also just kind of annoying - though one type seems interesting when you first encounter them, the novelty wears off quickly. Zombies (but not by name) are another new addition which was just kind of stupid frankly, very pointless. There's a story but it's not even worth mentioning. Graphically the game looks pretty okay, it's not as cartoony as 2 (good), but it's also not as imposing as the original (bad). There's a few decent spooky scenes but nothing to write home about, and some of the level design is neat. Giving Point Man a face was a pretty terrible choice, at least there was some mystique as a faceless badass but now he just looks like a generic brooding action character.

Overall pretty unremarkable, there's an option to play as Paxton apparently but I didn't care enough to bother replaying any of the levels, maybe in the future. Also the ending song was an incredibly corny choice.

Reviewed on Nov 11, 2023
